Monday, October 22, 2012

I've Been Meaning to Do This For a While Now

Welcome to my blog.  This is actually my third attempt at one, and I am excited about sharing an aspect of my life with whomever comes across this.  The first blog I started as an assignment for an English course a few years back.  The next, I wrote as an attempt to see the happiness and good things in my life while I was in a dark place.  It was done with good intentions  but ultimately unsuccessful because of my motives.  I hope to revive that blog once I get into the habit of consistently updating to a blog.

For a while now, my fiance (Leon) has been telling me that I need to get a journal to record the miraculous (and albeit not-so miraculous) things that are occurring to me since I began recognizing God's hand in my life.  Here is where I will record when I hear from Him, and what I think has been said.  With the Spirit, it's always spot-on, so if a situation doesn't work out a) I didn't listen to what He was telling me, b) I tried to make it work the way I want it to work, not the way I was told, or c) it isn't over yet.  I know that God's will for me is always good, never evil.  So when bad things strike, I've either chosen them with my disobedience, or it's not the conclusion of that story, and the good (His Grace) is yet to come.

Today, I was finishing off an assignment for one of my classes.  I was really eager to be done, and upon saving the document, quickly closed the document window.  Logging into my courses online, I routinely selected the link where I could upload my newly completed homework assignment.  I hit "browse" and looked in all of the folders on my computer, and I couldn't find this document anywhere. It wasn't in my recovered files, and apparently, my computer never realized that this document--the one that I spent far more than an hour to perfect--ever existed!  After spending thirty minutes frantically running searches on my computer, my fiance walks in and I wail to him that "it's gone" and that this wasn't fair.  Immediately, tears begin to well-up and I start thinking about how if I couldn't turn in this assignment, it would ruin my "A" in the class, and lessen my chances to graduate in-time with a decent GPA.  It was like someone had turned off all of the lights in my head, and all I could do was be frantic.  I emailed my professor an "S.O.S" and Leon sat at the top of my stairs and calmly tried to console me.  I wasn't having that, I had a break-down to attend!

He quietly slipped away downstairs to return with a Bible, and he started to read scriptures to me, trying to encourage me. I politely listened, but retained nothing. My spirit was closed and locked tight because it was too filled with negative emotion.  At one point he moved to the couch downstairs and I followed, wrapping myself in a blanket and seriously considered giving up.  But there was my Leon, reading a scripture about success, and telling me how school is not even a measure of how successful I am in life.  That if I am called to be a physician, the favor of God will get me there, not degrees alone.  He was telling me that I should rejoice, even if I feel like I have nothing to be grateful for.  Suddenly, his voice literally faded to a hush so that I could no longer hear what he was saying to me.  He was still reading, and words were undoubtedly coming from his mouth, but they were too faint for me to make out.  At the same time that his voice had become quieted, where he sat and just beyond him lit up brightly, like when the sun comes from behind a cloud unexpectedly.  I wasn't in the sunlight, but I began to feel warm.  The Holy Spirit told me to get up and go upstairs.  He hadn't told me what He was going to do, but He said to get up, so I did.  I began to thank Him for His love and mercy as I went up the stairs.  I searched a few more folders, and finally, began redoing my assignment.  The same assignment that took me at least an hour to complete was done (again) and now in less than five minutes.  I even corrected an answer that would have been wrong had I not reread the question.  I was able to give more thorough responses using more detailed writing.

I was still able to finish in time only by the grace of God.

I know this is not dramatic or flashy, but I recognize it as a miracle of the Holy Spirit.  I am really excited to share some of the other things that have happened to me in the past (that I will be writing about in future posts).

So my question for you, reader, is how has the Holy Spirit moved in your life today?

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